Control growth with a smart farm management system

As an agricultural entrepreneur, you need a smart farm management system to ensure you are firmly in control of the processes on your company. The agricultural market is dynamic and changing faster than ever before. Spiralling costs for feed and energy are placing increasing pressure on your profit margins. And today's market demands sustainable and responsible production methods. At the same time farms are increasing in size and are located on various different sites. But, despite the size of your farm, you still want to be able to control the processes in your house on a daily basis: Are the animals healthy? How can I reduce medication use? How much feed and water is being consumed? Are the animals growing as expected or should I change my delivery schedules? A farm management system can help you with all these issues.

Control growth with a smart farm management system

Lumina switch boxes in Portugal

Total house management 

Understanding the processes in the house is vital if your goal is achieving optimal efficiency and revenues with healthy animals and a minimum environmental impact. That is why it is so important to know precisely what is going on in your house, even when you cannot actually be present yourself. 

Fancom is the partner that offers you the tools for efficient daily management of your company. We do this with our farm management systems. This starts in your houses with a smart combination of an energy-efficient climate system, an advanced feeding system and a biometrics system that accurately observes the animals' behaviour and the production process. These farm management systems operate in perfect harmony and form a single entity, allowing you to benefit from optimal conditions for animal growth at all times. 

Benefit from the convenience of a perfect overview

The automated processes in your house form a source of data about the animals' environment, feed and water consumption and their behaviour. Linking this information from the process computers with a management system - and displaying the data in clear graphs and overviews - gives you a deeper understanding of the performance of your animals. You can compare the performances in each house and immediately identify any deviations so you can intervene in time. The result is a perfect overview of your farms and insight into production costs. You don't need to leave anything to chance. 

Infinia Remote App - Poultry

Remote control from your mobile phone

FarmManager is Fancom's special farm management system. FarmManager automatically connects your Fancom control computers to your PC enabling remote read out and control. FarmManager stores all the data from the process computers and presents the data in clear overviews and graphs. You can check on the situation in the house, no matter where you are in the world. You can view the running time of your ventilation system, heating and lighting, plan regular maintenance, check on stocks and update animal mutations from a distance. And, if necessary, you can adjust the settings in the control computers remotely to improve the processes in the house. And with our convenient Infinia Remote App all this is possible on your mobile phone. This saves time and makes your daily workload lighter. 

Compare and analyse to improve the process

The special FarmManager extension, lets you compare up-to-date information from your houses with the standard reference figures, the farm average, the group average or previous production cycles. An easy to understand dashboard shows any differences compared with the main performance indicators of your houses (such as growth, feed and water intake and activity) at a glance. The programme's extensive analysis options provide an insight into the production process and answer the question: “Why does one house perform better than another?”. This insight helps you ensure healthy, managed growth and permanently improves the effectiveness of your production cycles. 

Efficient production process

A smart farm management system takes a lot of work out of your hands by automatically generating handy overviews. You can effortlessly set up effective feed production and efficient logistic planning of feed deliveries. You will also have an insight into the growth process in all the houses and know at an early stage when new animals need to be delivered. This allows you to make a more efficient slaughtering plan to optimally utilise the available capacity. This continually increases the efficiency of the total production process. 

Fancom, your partner in farm management systems

If you choose a Fancom farm management system, you choose a long-term cooperation with the objective of raising the level of your business operations. We also organise suitable training for all your employees and even after the system is up and running we continue to offer consultancy services and advice. With a clear vision of your profession and a constant drive to innovate, we keep our systems and your operational management continually up-to-date. We think with you about your company processes and help you reduce costs and increase your profitability. And at the same time, optimise animal welfare and sustainability in order to give you a license to produce. And what if things change in the future? Then we will identify them in time, together with you, and respond accordingly. That's what we call forward thinking. We can make this commitment because we are the industry leaders.

The advantages of a smart farm management system

  • Remote operation saves time, lightens your daily workload, and improves hygiene. 
  • Clear overviews, per house or of the whole farm, give insight into production costs and the technical results. 
  • Timely identification of abnormal animal development helps you steer towards healthy growth. 
  • Helps achieve healthy growth with fewer sick animals, lower mortality and lower medication costs. 
  • Allows easy comparison of different houses. 
  • Clear data simplifies data exchange with business advisers, veterinarians and feed suppliers. 
  • Enables efficient planning of slaughter data and feed supplies, based on current performance. 

Ask about the options for a smart farm management system for your company today!

Control growth with a smart farm management system
