Getting your flock and herd in top condition time after time. That is every farmer's ambition. Achieve that ambition with intelligent precision farming from Fancom! This comprehensive smart farming system has been developed by Fancom and is recognised worldwide as the advanced system for livestock houses.

What is intelligent precision farming?

Intelligent farming is a smart house system that registers all the data that relates to climate control, feed automation (smart feeding) , animal behaviour etc. This data is constantly collated and analysed, giving you insight into the status of your houses, animals and every aspect important to you and the animals at any moment of the day. You can respond much faster to any changes and developments in the house. And ensure that your animals are healthier and grow better. Mortality rates and waste are reduced, and profitability will increase!

References and Fancom projects

As a farmer, you are fully aware that happy and healthy animals develop easier, faster and better. So that you can produce more in each production cycle. Intelligent farming helps detect signs of stress and possible diseases at an early stage. This allows you to intervene and make modifications quickly, or even leave the changes to the intelligent precision farming system. The result: lower mortality. Take a look at our references and projects.

Fancom has more than 40 years of experience in livestock houses all over the world. We have built on this experience to develop the intelligent farming system that links all the processes in the house to facilitate perfect harmonisation.

Who stands to benefit from intelligent farming?

Intelligent farming has been designed and for entrepreneurs active in the agricultural sector, including pig producers, layer farmers, broiler producers and mushroom growers. The smart system has been developed in cooperation with customers worldwide.

Are you curious to discover the ideas Fancom has for your farm? Please fill in the contact form. One of our expert advisors or our local dealer will contact you as soon as possible.

What are the benefits of intelligent farming?

What it ultimately boils down to is saving time, and therefore, money. That adds up to higher profits. But intelligent precision farming offers a whole range of other benefits too. We have summarised them for you!

  • Easier and fast management of production
  • Greater efficiency, so less labour is required
  • Enables animal-friendly livestock management
  • Upscaling is an option
  • Constant insight into the processes in your house
  • Enables farmers to offer sustainably produced food
  • More environmentally consciously as waste of water, food and energy is reduced


The company behind the intelligent systems

All over the world, Fancom's innovative and smart systems actively help pig and poultry producers and mushroom growers improve their production processes.  Thanks to our smart climate, feeding weighing, farm management software and biometric systems, sensors and farm control computers, we improve your operating results time after time.

Fancom closely cooperates with various research institutes and universities, and research and development is one of our key focus areas. But we are also firmly rooted in the realities of daily practice and know the aspects you consider important.