eYeGrow eye-catcher at Eurotier

At Eurotier the increasing need of pig producers for a reliable system that enables their finishers to be tracked from day to day was evident. Pig producers want to banish any unpleasant surprises at the end of the finishing cycle and need a reliable system that automatically weighs the pigs 24/7. The options offered by Fancom’s eYeGrow perfectly answer this need.

Accurate weighing

The unique feature of eYeGrow weighing system is the 3D camera installed above the section that continually monitors and registers the animals and enables accurate weight calculation by the computer. The 3D camera weighs with high accuracy and operates under all conditions. No extra light is needed, and black and spotted pigs are also accurately monitored. Graphs and tables clearly illustrate the increasing line in the average growth of the animals.

Maximize the growth potential

Continual insight into weight and feed intake gives a more detailed view of the feed strategy and helps improve results. Users can also predict the delivery weight of the group far more accurately and achieve a higher price for the supplied finishers. So, they can get the best performance from their animals and maximise the growth potential!

Other weighing systems

eYeGrow at Eurotier 2018
