Gijs Heldens new Area Sales Manager for Fancom

Gijs Heldens joined Fancom as Area Sales Manager on 1 January. He will be responsible for the market in Scandinavia and the Baltic states. As the Fancom representative, he will work closely with our local distributors and partners to help pig farmers, poultry farmers and mushroom growers in these regions to improve their performance and results.

Gijs has an extensive educational background. He graduated in International Business and Management Studies at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven. This study was followed by a one-year master's degree in International Marketing at Jönköping University in Jönköping, Sweden, completed by another two-year master's degree in International Logistics and Supply Chain Management, also in Sweden. During his studies he frequently came across Fancom and gained experience of our market and our products. He completed his first graduation internship at one of our business contacts in Chile. He also conducted market research for Fancom and for our local distributor in Spain.

By joining Fancom, Gijs is following the footsteps of his father Hans Heldens, who has worked at Fancom since 1989. So he has first hand experience of what it's like to work for an international company active in the fascinating livestock sector. In addition to his tasks in his new operational area, Gijs will also assist Hans in Latin America, Spain and Portugal. This form of cooperation is what makes his newest challenge so attractive. “I am looking forward to taking Fancom to the next level by combining the latest insights gained from my university studies with the rich experience and expertise of other people at Fancom. But ultimately, just like every sales person, my aim is to sell as much as possible and I will try and build the strongest possible basis for this".

