Jan Haenraets celebrates 40 years at Fancom

On 1 December we will celebrate the 40th work anniversary of our colleague Jan Haenraets. Jan has worked at Fancom since its very beginning, as an engineer at our Technical Service department. Starting with the very first climate control computers developed for the agricultural sector with their seemingly endless strings of code right up to today's generation of touch and swipe computers, Jan has seen it all. He has immense technical knowledge and the extensive range of Fancom equipment holds no secrets for him.

Satisfied customers

Over the past 40 years, Jan has travelled the globe for Fancom visiting more than 85 countries; most of which more than once! Our customers see him as a very welcome guest. Not only because of his huge store of knowledge, but also because he has the ability to always transfer that knowledge in a clear and understandable way to customers.Jan only leaves when the installation is in 100% correct working order and the customers are satisfied.

The official celebration will be held at the beginning of next year together with everyone at Fancom and Jan's family.


Jan, thank you for your boundless dedication and congratulations on this amazing milestone!

Jan Haenraets
