New Fantura tunnel inlet in practice

Last year, a unique tunnel inlet system was introduced as an expansion to our successful Fantura range of air inlet systems. Now the first animals are feeling the benefits of the positive features of this tunnel inlet; no cold air drop, dry litter and uniform conditions for growth throughout the house. See the Fantura tunnel inlet in action in a new house in South Dakota, USA.

The Fantura tunnel inlet opens in a unique way. The panels slide from top to bottom and create a gradual increase in the flow of ventilation in the house. The gradual opening action in combination with the inlet's unique shape also makes the tunnel inlet ideal for minimum ventilation. A jet stream bundles the incoming air for a better throw that directs the air straight to the ridge of the building. As the photo of the turkey house clearly shows, no additional wall inlets have been mounted above the tunnel inlet.

This new house is owned by the Clearfield Colony in South Dakota, USA. The building houses 12,500 turkeys. The ventilation is regulated by a Lumina 38 climate computer. Air flows into the house through the Fantura wall inlets, and the Fantura tunnel inlets are controlled by intelligent iM125 actuators. The air is extracted by 80-cm energy efficient I-fans. ATM units have been installed for accurate measurement and control of the air flow. Climate sensors for temperature, CO2, NH3 and pressure continuously monitor the conditions in the house, and ensure the right climate for growth is created for the animals.

The project was realised by Envirotech Ag Systems Ltd., a partner of our distributor Can-Neth Import Ltd.

Learn more about our Fantura air inlet system

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