No attendance by Fancom at trade fairs in 2020

In light of the uncertain developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Fancom has decided not to attend any trade fairs in 2020. We are taking all necessary measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Organizing and attending large events increases the risk of infection. We also expect that our customers and partners worldwide will not visit any of these busily attended events either. In addition, many travel restrictions still apply so we do not expect to be able to travel internationally again in the short term.

Health and safety are paramount

The health and safety of our employees and customers are paramount! This implies that, among other things, we will continue to cease travelling, are not receiving visitors and that our team is still working from home as much as possible. We are using digital communication channels to stay in touch with our distributors and customers. The continuity of our technical support for our users has not been compromised, and we are continuing to advise our distributors about new projects. Our production and logistics departments have remained in operation to ensure deliveries can continue without restrictions.

These are extraordinary times in which we have been forced to adapt how we communicate. We hope that the situation will soon change for the better and that we can meet you again in person during one of the major trade fairs in 2021.

