User very excited about Rondomat

“Improved pig growth, simplicity and time saving”. This is how Rondomat users summarize the advantages of this sensor controlled automatic feeder. Rondomat helps ensure a smooth post-weaning transition to feed.

The weaned piglets are given immediate access to clean, fresh feed without having to learn how to operate a feed trough system. This prevents the dip often experienced by piglets after weaning. The result is piglets in optimal health with good, fast growth. Results from practice reveal an average growth of three pounds per piglet.

Rondomat works extremely simply

The Rondomat works extremely simply. Sensors detect whether there is any feed in the trough. As soon as the trough is empty, a small portion of feed and water is provided. The piglets always have access to fresh feed and there is hardly any wastage. The Rondomat is suitable for use in sections housing up to 70 piglets.

Watch the video of an enthousiast user of the Rondomat.

