Yoshimoto Agri introduces FaroTek farrowing feeding system in Japan

Fancom partner Yoshimoto Agri just finished the first pig production project in Japan using the Fancom Farotek farrowing feeding system for individual feeding of sows in the farrowing house. A total of 180 FaroTek systems are installed in 5 farrowing sections.

FaroTek dispenses feed to sows in the farrowing house several times a day according to an individual regime. Moving the sensor ball allows the sow to decide when she eats her ration of feed. Thanks to the combination of the right feed curve and the individual adjustments, sows are always fed the optimal amount.

The FaroTek system helps to control feed costs

The FaroTek system helps them to control feed costs and keeps the sows in top condition. The sows have a higher feed intake and lose less body condition resulting in higher milk production and larger and more uniform litters. Using the FaroTek system also eases sow management. All sow data can be accessed via the handy TouchTek units in the section. As only the sows in this specific section are shown, they can work quickly and efficiently using short lists. The TouchTek units are linked in a network to a central PC for clear and complete sow management.

Innovative solution FaroTek

This innovative solution for farrowing feeding fits perfectly with the increasing demand of the Japanese pig industry to improve production processes. We are proud that we can work together with Yoshimoto Agri in the Japanese market. High production costs and fluctuations in body condition of the sow are important issues in Japan and there is a strong need for professionalization of the production process.


